Home » DIY Crafts » Netted Slime Stress Ball

Netted Slime Stress Ball

A stretchy netted slime stress ball is an excellent stress reliever.You can also actually craft this material with any soft, squishy home-based components! This easy procedure shows you how to craft your very own DIY addictive squishy stretchy stress ball at your home. 

Materials Needed

» Scissors
» Spoon
» Medium bowl
» Netted bath sponge
» Balloon
» Plastic water bottle 
» ½ cup shaving cream
» Activator: 1 tablespoon contact solution & ½ teaspoon water
» 1 cup Elmer glue 
» OPTIONAL: Food coloring
TIPS: Make sure to tie the knot properly, or else it will not work as you desire


  1. Gather your materials.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the ingredients shaving cream, activator (1 tablespoon contact solution & ½ teaspoon water), and glue. 
  3. Dye portion with food coloring of your choice.
  4. Using your hands or a spoon stir well and stop until it has formed completely. 
  5. Stick a funnel into the neck of the balloon, and slowly scoop the portion through the funnel. 
  6. Remove the funnel, after the slime has completely gone in the balloon and release out as much air as possible. Tie it up tightly. 
  7. Take the fishnet, place the balloon inside the net and cut the extra portion of your net. Slowly, tie up a tight, secure knot at the bottom of the net. 


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